"A Lenticular print of my thoughts..."

Total Distance : 12.8 Km
Elevation : ~900m
Lowest Point : 161m
Start Time: 14:45
Reached view point at: ~18:15
Date: 28/05/2016

I, along with few friends went to a trek near Bad Herrenalb soon after relocating to Karlsruhe. That was my very first experience of Germany's countryside and I absolutely loved it. Bad Herrenalb is a very small town at the foothills of Black forest range. Here's a picture from the archives.
Bad Herrenalb from the Archives

I always thought I would go back for another trek, I just didn't think it would take me 2 Years. Especially, when Karlsruhe is so close to the Northern third of Black Forest. This time I was joined by my friend to a trek to Teufelsmühle [ English: Devil's Mill ]

The weather was cloudy when we started from Karlsruhe by S-bahn (Local train). By the time we reached Gernsbach, it started to rain. A prefect backdrop setting by nature for us to enjoy nature. Small villages en route and the landscape was outstanding. Here are some pictures from the trek.


altituderando.com have some of the best pictures of Teufelsmuehle on the internet.

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